
IT Tech Salaries: How Much Can You Expect to Earn in the Tech Industry?

Are you curious to know how much money IT technicians make? Are you considering a career in the IT field and want to understand the potential salary range?

Read on to learn more about average salaries for IT techs, what factors determine pay rates, and how much money you can expect to make as an IT technician.

Overview of IT Tech Salaries

IT technician salaries have seen a significant increase in 2021. This is attributed to the low unemployment rate in the tech industry and the widespread hunger for talent.

On average, an IT technician earns $99,860 per year. This is slightly higher than the average remote salary of $162,950 and higher than the average salary of $3,737,580 offered by The Tech Guy.

Individual salaries vary greatly depending on experience, company, and job title, with software engineers earning an average of $93,650 per year, project managers earning an average of $87,500 per year, database administrators earning an average of $111,362 per year, and UX/UI designers earning an average of $120,204 per year.

The lowest salaries start at $3,243,710 and the highest salaries are up to $4,288,696.

How Much Does an IT Technician Make in the US?

In the US, the average salary of an IT Technician is $55,966 per year or $18 per hour. This is significantly higher than the average salary of a technician in other countries.

However, the salary range for IT technicians can vary depending on experience and location.

Entry-level positions start at around $37,000 and salaries for those in higher-level positions can easily exceed $78,000. Furthermore, salaries can also differ from state to state.

For example, the District of Columbia has an average salary of $51,260, Florida has an average salary of $34,160 and Georgia has an average salary of $36,680.

It is clear that the earning potential for IT technicians in the US is vast and can be very lucrative depending on individual skills and experience.

Average Salary of IT Technician

The average salary for an IT technician in the United States is about $50,000 per year. This figure can vary widely depending on experience, specialty, and location. Those with more experience and specialized skills tend to earn more.

For example, those who have certifications or additional training may be able to command higher salaries.

Additionally, those who have experience in certain areas such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, or web development may also be able to earn more.

The location also plays a factor in IT tech salaries, with tech professionals in cities such as San Francisco or New York City earning more than those in smaller cities or rural areas.

Highest Paying Tech Jobs

High-paying tech jobs include software engineers, data scientists, cloud architects, DevOps engineers, and database administrators.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), software developers have a median annual salary of $107,510 per year in 2020.

Data scientists can make even more, with an average salary of $122,890 per year. Cloud architects earn an average annual salary of $141,430 per year, while DevOps engineers have a median salary of $143,873 per year.

Database administrators have the highest earning potential of all tech jobs, with a median annual salary of $93,750 per year.

IT professionals can earn a very lucrative salary if they specialize in these types of roles.

Software Engineers

Software engineers have become increasingly important in the tech industry as businesses look to develop applications and software solutions.

With the right mix of experience, certifications, and specialized skills, software engineers can command a high salary.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a software engineer in the US is $106,000.

The highest-paying company for a software engineer in the US is Facebook with an average total compensation of $137,000.

Across the 10 companies we shortlisted, a junior software engineer may receive a monthly salary ranging from $4,500 to over $10,000 per month.

Data Scientists

Data scientists are in high demand, and for good reason. These professionals are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large amounts of data to gain insights that can be used to improve products, services, and processes.

As such, the average salary for a data scientist in the US stands around $113,000. In addition, many tech companies like Google pay $139,070 to their data scientists.

However, the salary can vary depending on the region and experience of the professional.

Cloud Architects

Cloud Architects design and implement cloud-based solutions tailored to the specific needs of an organization. Their expertise lies in their ability to identify and develop the most efficient and cost-effective cloud solutions. Cloud Architects have an average salary of $120,000 per year in Singapore and up to $175,000 per year in the United States. To increase their earning potential, Cloud Architects should develop specialized skills, network with other IT professionals, and take on higher-level roles.

DevOps Engineers

DevOps engineers are among the highest-paid IT professionals. According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a DevOps engineer in the US is $62,049 per year, with a range of $37K to $103K.

With a few years of experience and the right certifications, tech workers can expect to make even more. PayScale reports that DevOps engineers with 0-1 year of experience make an average salary of $92,985.

Moreover, Google DevOps engineers with 3-11 years of experience make an average of $213,000 per year. As a result, it’s no wonder why DevOps engineers are one of the most sought-after IT professionals.

Database Administrators

Database Administrators are essential for any company or organization that collects and stores large amounts of data. Database Administrators are responsible for overseeing the performance, security, and integrity of a company’s databases.

They also monitor and troubleshoot any potential issues. With the right skills and experience, Database Administrators can make a very competitive salary.

According to Emsi Burning Glass, the median salary for a Database Administrator is $87,233. The best-paid ones can make up to $205,000 per year.

Furthermore, the average salary for a Database Administrator in the US is $78,878 per year. So if you’re looking for a high-paying job in tech, becoming a Database Administrator is a great option!

Factors That Affect IT Tech Salary

The salary for an IT technician can vary greatly depending on a few factors such as location, experience, and skillset. Experienced IT technicians with specialized skills and certifications can often command higher salaries than those without such qualifications.

Location is also an important factor when it comes to salary, as some parts of the country will offer higher salaries than others due to the cost of living.

Additionally, the size of the company and industry in which you work can also affect your salary potential.

It is important to consider all of these factors when evaluating your salary potential as an IT technician.

Ways to Increase Your Earning Potential as an IT Professional

IT professionals have the opportunity to increase their salaries by improving their skills. Developing specialized skills and networking with other IT professionals can help you find better job opportunities and increase your salary.

Taking on higher-level roles, such as software engineer or data scientist, can also further your career and boost your earning potential.

Additionally, pursuing certifications can help you demonstrate your skills and increase your wages.

With the right attitude, hard work, and dedication, you can carve out a successful career in IT and maximize your earning potential.

Develop specialized skills

If you want to boost your earning potential as an IT professional, developing specialized skills is a great way to do it. There are many areas of specialty within the IT field, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to software engineering, web development, and database administration.

Developing a deeper knowledge of a particular field can help you stand out against the competition and make you more attractive to employers.

Additionally, many employers offer higher salaries for professionals with specialist knowledge, so this is an excellent strategy for increasing your salary.

Network with other IT professionals

Networking is a great way to open yourself up to new opportunities in your professional life. You may connect with someone that can offer you a beneficial mentorship or even introduce you to potential employers.

Professional networking means creating and maintaining relationships that can help further your brand. Use these networking tools and strategies to invest in relationships with other professionals in your industry.

Not only does networking offer valuable connections and resources, but it also serves as an avenue to create long-term relationships with mutual benefits.

Take on higher-level roles

If you’re looking to take on additional responsibility and increase your earning potential, consider taking on higher-level roles. Working as a senior IT technician or an IT manager could lead to an increase in salary of up to $20,000 per year.

Additionally, many companies offer bonuses, stock options, and other incentives for taking on higher-level roles.

It’s important to remember that these positions require a great deal of experience, so it may take some time to get there. But the rewards can be well worth the effort once you’ve made it.


In conclusion, IT tech salaries can vary significantly based on the job role, experience, location, and other factors. It is important to be aware of the range of salaries available in the technology industry and to actively work towards increasing your earning potential.

By honing specialized skills in a particular area, networking with other professionals, and taking on higher-level roles, IT techs can increase their salaries and become more competitive in the job market.

Written by Neuer Peter

As Senior editor at, Peter is passionate about journalism and dedicated to accuracy and fairness. He works closely with his team to create high-quality content on a range of topics including politics, business, and technology. Peter has a bachelor's degree in journalism from UCD and extensive experience as a journalist covering a variety of topics.

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